This week hasn't slowed down at all from last week. Richard has been out of town for training. So it has just been Molly and me.
So beginning Monday morning at 6am we were out the door to the airport. We dropped Richard off and came back home. I attempted breakfast, but the poor little girl was so tired that she was just crying her eyes out. Back to bed we went. Nine seemed like a better time to wake up for her. I feel like we did a lot that day, but I can't think of much else. I did have an eye doctor's appointment, which I must thank Monica very much for coming along to watch the baby. Such a God-send. And then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get a gift for their cousin's wedding that is this weekend. There really wasn't anything left on their registery. So we went with an air mattress. I hope it's really really comfortable because it was the most expensive air mattress I've ever seen in my life (besides the one right next to it on the shelf for $199.) Then Monday evening we went up to Todd and Rhonda's. Rhonda let me borrow her steam cleaner for my disgusting carpets. Molly was such a trooper. She played really well there, and then on our way home at 9:30-10pm she stayed awake talking to me the whole time. I was very surprised! Of course as soon as we walked in the door though, she was ready for beddy-bye. I put her to bed and the Mommy Adventures began. I moved all of the furniture and vacuumed thoroughly. And then started steam cleaning. This time Rhonda mentioned to me that the hand tool works better than the floor tool. So I tried it on a few spots and holy moly you should have seen me take off. I ended up spot steam cleaning the entire upstairs by hand! It was wonderful! I quit at 1am. I was quite tired. But my carpet looks amazing (compared to what it did.)
Tuesday I took the cleaner to my parents' house. They had a few spots from moving in, and I thought I could take care of that for them. It looks great now too! We came back home and I decided I would plant my bulbs. Several months ago I pulled up all of my Crocus and Iris bulbs to replant/thin out for next year. I'm a little behind on getting them planted, but hopefully it will all work out. So we were outside raking out the area I want them. Trying to get as much of the weeds and grass out as possible, but trying to remind myself that it doesn't really matter at this point. They're going to die before the flowers bloom anyway. I can worry about them when they come back in the spring. Molly was very helpful - if I needed the mulch eaten - which I didn't, so yeah, not really great help, but we had fun. I had the area ready to go and realized I need to actually separate my Iris's still. So that's where I am now. I got a few separated. It was a difficult task while trying to keep the baby from crawling in the street. It's the only place she wants to be. What she'll do if she ever got there, I have no idea, but the thought excites her incredibly. Then the three kids from across the street came over to play with Molly. I kept thinking that was perfect because I could get back to my Iris's and Molly would be distracted. But I couldn't do it. It makes me really nervous when they try to pick her up and put her on toys and such, especially on the cement. So I stayed with the kids watching over them like a hawk. Finally at 7, I told the kids Molly needed to eat dinner and go to bed. So we went inside and did. After she was in bed I called Monica and invited her over for The Biggest Loser. She and Rufus came over. This is my first season of biggest loser but I like it a lot already! I really like several of the teams: Pink, Purple, Yellow, and Red. I take that back. Scratch Yellow. I just like Coleen from Yellow. And I hate the brown team. Ugh. "We really wanted to lose this week, because we don't need to call home. And losing makes us less of a threat." Yeah, well, it also doesn't promote weight loss but somehow they keep losing weight. I'm ready for them to go home. After BL I got bored and began blog reading. I was up until 1:45 reading blogs - really just one person's. I'm a nut.
Today...was my mom's birthday! She's not one to ask for things she wants for her birthday. In fact I don't even know if she has wants. She never seems to have much of an opinion when it comes to wants. She has "needs" though, and those are the things she will ask for when asked what she'd like for her birthday. For instance, this year, she needed floor cleaner, because her swiffer wet jet just isn't getting it all, so she needs to get down and scrub and doesn't have any floor cleaner to scrub with. And also her small sauce pan that she boils her sweet tea in broke last week and she needs a new one. So I started thinking hard and realized, my mom doesn't ever buy new clothes for herself. That's a great idea! I could take her shopping for clothes, more specifically a dressy outfit she can wear on dressy occasions since what she owns is from 1982 or prior, a little worn and thinned out, and a size or two too big. when I mentioned the idea to her she didn't seem thrilled, but was ok with it, she guessed. So we went. We both found a couple outfits that we liked. I learned that my mom does not like green. In fact she doesn't like dresses at all. So I felt really bad when she said that. It meant that I was completely forgetting that her birthday is about what she wants. I felt like such a jerk. At no point did she get excited. We picked out an outfit finally. I don't think she liked it at all. But it looked ultra cute on her. So afterwards, I needed to go to Walmart to get a diaper to change Molly into. My purse was out and she was poopy. I felt so bad for forcing my mom into something she didn't want for her birthday that I went ahead and wandered over to the pots and pans and let her pick out a sauce pan, and then back to the cleaning supplies for some Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner and some Comet. She also found some M&Ms along the way, which happen to be her favorite. I think she was much happier leaving Walmart, than she was leaving the dress store. I hope she had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed spending the day with us. :)
Richard comes home tomorrow! Yay! I have Moms' Group in the morning. Then I need to go get the oil changed in the car. And hopefully after that I'll still have some time left to return Rhonda's steam cleaner before heading over to the airport to welcome my wonderful husband back home.
Then Friday we're headed west for a wedding! I love weddings. I also like spending time with Richard's family. I'm excited to get back to his parents' house. It's been a while.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Busy Week
This has seemed to be such a crazy week!
Saturday, we were supposed to go to the Kansas State Fair. But it really looked like rain, and I figured it'd be really muddy, so I didn't want to have Molly out in it. It didn't end up raining, but it was still definitely muddy. So we didn't go.
That afternoon my dad called and said they were coming over. Without asking questions I said ok. They came to tell me that my great-grandpa had passed at 11:15. He's one of the hands in my picture above. That was a 5 generation picture that I really wanted to have before Grandpa headed "home." I took the news ok. Although I do wish we could have been closer, he was my great-grandpa, and he lived in another state, so it's not actually realistic. I had been to see him in the last few months. So I was ok. The sad part is that before that, I hadn't made any effort. I don't remember seeing him in several years. He admitted to me that day that he wouldn't recognize me on the street. But he was sure glad I came to see him. And that he got to see Molly too. I'll always remember how he just kept saying her name over and over so he wouldn't forget it. He wanted a picture of her too. And I gave him one. We put it on his photo board of the people he loved. I'm glad we made that board.
Tuesday Molly and I went with my parents down to Oklahoma. Richard had to go out of town for work so he was unable to join us. The viewing was Tuesday night and it turned out to be much tougher than I had expected. But some of my cousins were able to entertain Molly, so that was good.
Wednesday morning was the funeral. That was very tough too. And different from Tuesday night, nobody was able to take Molly for me. So I was dealing with my personal grieving, while trying to make a 13-month little girl happy. At least they played very upbeat music, or it may have not happened. I can honestly say Molly and I danced at my great-grandpa's funeral. I think that would make him happy. We all know he was dancing!
Funeral's are so tough for me. Even though he was old. Older than the average man's life expectancy, it's always hard to accept a passing. You never know when it's coming. Some people don't make it past a couple breaths of life at birth. Some live to be 120 years old. Funerals always remind me to cherish the people I love. And that's what causes me so much grief at funerals. I incessantly think about who might be next and that I should make an extra effort to spend time with them. And then I get frustrated. Why did my grandparents move all the way to Alabama? I can't just up and go see them. Not in the place we are in our lives right now. Someday, I hope to be able to. But will they still be around then? I'd rather not know.
On a happier note, last night I had my first Moms' Night Out. It was a lot of fun. We saw The Women. It was REALLY good. I never remember to be sure to watch a good women movie here and there. I'm definitely glad I went. I reminded me of friends and how I need to nourish those relationships well also. After the movie we went to get some drinks for a little while before turning in for the night. I really didn't know any of the ladies I was with, but I had a great time.
Richard and I have plans to go see My Best Friend's Girl either tonight or tomorrow. My parents are going to watch Molly for us. I'm excited to go out with him again too!
I think I'm going to take Molly to the park this morning. So I'll see you all later!
Saturday, we were supposed to go to the Kansas State Fair. But it really looked like rain, and I figured it'd be really muddy, so I didn't want to have Molly out in it. It didn't end up raining, but it was still definitely muddy. So we didn't go.
That afternoon my dad called and said they were coming over. Without asking questions I said ok. They came to tell me that my great-grandpa had passed at 11:15. He's one of the hands in my picture above. That was a 5 generation picture that I really wanted to have before Grandpa headed "home." I took the news ok. Although I do wish we could have been closer, he was my great-grandpa, and he lived in another state, so it's not actually realistic. I had been to see him in the last few months. So I was ok. The sad part is that before that, I hadn't made any effort. I don't remember seeing him in several years. He admitted to me that day that he wouldn't recognize me on the street. But he was sure glad I came to see him. And that he got to see Molly too. I'll always remember how he just kept saying her name over and over so he wouldn't forget it. He wanted a picture of her too. And I gave him one. We put it on his photo board of the people he loved. I'm glad we made that board.
Tuesday Molly and I went with my parents down to Oklahoma. Richard had to go out of town for work so he was unable to join us. The viewing was Tuesday night and it turned out to be much tougher than I had expected. But some of my cousins were able to entertain Molly, so that was good.
Wednesday morning was the funeral. That was very tough too. And different from Tuesday night, nobody was able to take Molly for me. So I was dealing with my personal grieving, while trying to make a 13-month little girl happy. At least they played very upbeat music, or it may have not happened. I can honestly say Molly and I danced at my great-grandpa's funeral. I think that would make him happy. We all know he was dancing!
Funeral's are so tough for me. Even though he was old. Older than the average man's life expectancy, it's always hard to accept a passing. You never know when it's coming. Some people don't make it past a couple breaths of life at birth. Some live to be 120 years old. Funerals always remind me to cherish the people I love. And that's what causes me so much grief at funerals. I incessantly think about who might be next and that I should make an extra effort to spend time with them. And then I get frustrated. Why did my grandparents move all the way to Alabama? I can't just up and go see them. Not in the place we are in our lives right now. Someday, I hope to be able to. But will they still be around then? I'd rather not know.
On a happier note, last night I had my first Moms' Night Out. It was a lot of fun. We saw The Women. It was REALLY good. I never remember to be sure to watch a good women movie here and there. I'm definitely glad I went. I reminded me of friends and how I need to nourish those relationships well also. After the movie we went to get some drinks for a little while before turning in for the night. I really didn't know any of the ladies I was with, but I had a great time.
Richard and I have plans to go see My Best Friend's Girl either tonight or tomorrow. My parents are going to watch Molly for us. I'm excited to go out with him again too!
I think I'm going to take Molly to the park this morning. So I'll see you all later!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Molly's First
Molly and I went to Mom's Group today. It was a good time. But a little depressing at the same time. I'm a little emotional the last couple days to forewarn you. So I'll start with the depressing side.
I had completely forgotten that today was 9/11. Call me what you will, but it simply slipped my mind. But I was quickly reminded, and instantly just felt blah. It's a very sad memory. But I am glad there are so many courageous men and women willing to give their lives to fight for what our country was built upon. I just wish they didn't have to.
Then the next thing was there is a lady with two daughters, both of which have cistic fibrosis. She wasn't dwelling on it or anything, just mentioned it in simple conversation that I happened to hear. I almost started bawling just hearing her say it. Could you imagine having two daughters that unless some changes happen quickly, will most likely not live past their early 20's? How sad is that???
Anyway...on to a better side of the story. It was Molly's first experience with a large group of kids. And I could tell immediately she would LOVE it! She dived right in and started playing with several little kids. I kept my eye on her, but she was doing a great job.
...until she saw the walk-behind cart. Another little boy had it. She crawled over to it and stood up with him and essentially took it from him. He started crying. Another little girl, a little older than these two, came and took it from Molly to give it back to the boy. Molly joined him crying. Both of us went and rescued our very upset babies. Of course, Molly was fine instantly. I'm glad she'll finally get to learn what sharing is all about. I just hope I know how to handle it right.
Then quite a bit later, I notice Molly off playing with another little boy who was a few years older than her. Then I saw Charlie, an "oh so cute" 18-month old with bright red curly hair and is pretty solid, going toward Molly. He walks up to her and they begin chit-chatting. Molly is sitting on her knees. Charlie turns around and sits on her lap. I just started laughing so hard. Here's little 19 lbs Molly with a probably 25 lbs kid sitting on her lap. Well eventually it causes her to fall back and bump her head. I stand up and start heading that way when I see that she's crying pretty hard. Charlie gets off of her and lays down on top of her. I'm assuming to hug and comfort wasn't working. I felt so bad for Molly, she was screaming like crazy by this point...but I couldn't help but laugh. The whole situation was so funny. I picked Charlie up and placed him aside and picked up Molly. Charlie's mom came to apologize. Of course, no need to, they're kids. But oh Charlie....what a funny little guy! And once again, Molly was fine instantly.
And otherwise the meeting went well. Just kind of a run down of the plans for the rest of the year. Please sign up for this and that. And I'm so excited to see who I end up becoming good friends with!
I had completely forgotten that today was 9/11. Call me what you will, but it simply slipped my mind. But I was quickly reminded, and instantly just felt blah. It's a very sad memory. But I am glad there are so many courageous men and women willing to give their lives to fight for what our country was built upon. I just wish they didn't have to.
Then the next thing was there is a lady with two daughters, both of which have cistic fibrosis. She wasn't dwelling on it or anything, just mentioned it in simple conversation that I happened to hear. I almost started bawling just hearing her say it. Could you imagine having two daughters that unless some changes happen quickly, will most likely not live past their early 20's? How sad is that???
Anyway...on to a better side of the story. It was Molly's first experience with a large group of kids. And I could tell immediately she would LOVE it! She dived right in and started playing with several little kids. I kept my eye on her, but she was doing a great job.
...until she saw the walk-behind cart. Another little boy had it. She crawled over to it and stood up with him and essentially took it from him. He started crying. Another little girl, a little older than these two, came and took it from Molly to give it back to the boy. Molly joined him crying. Both of us went and rescued our very upset babies. Of course, Molly was fine instantly. I'm glad she'll finally get to learn what sharing is all about. I just hope I know how to handle it right.
Then quite a bit later, I notice Molly off playing with another little boy who was a few years older than her. Then I saw Charlie, an "oh so cute" 18-month old with bright red curly hair and is pretty solid, going toward Molly. He walks up to her and they begin chit-chatting. Molly is sitting on her knees. Charlie turns around and sits on her lap. I just started laughing so hard. Here's little 19 lbs Molly with a probably 25 lbs kid sitting on her lap. Well eventually it causes her to fall back and bump her head. I stand up and start heading that way when I see that she's crying pretty hard. Charlie gets off of her and lays down on top of her. I'm assuming to hug and comfort wasn't working. I felt so bad for Molly, she was screaming like crazy by this point...but I couldn't help but laugh. The whole situation was so funny. I picked Charlie up and placed him aside and picked up Molly. Charlie's mom came to apologize. Of course, no need to, they're kids. But oh Charlie....what a funny little guy! And once again, Molly was fine instantly.
And otherwise the meeting went well. Just kind of a run down of the plans for the rest of the year. Please sign up for this and that. And I'm so excited to see who I end up becoming good friends with!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I've been looking for a while for an IRL Moms' Group to become a part of. When Molly was around 3 months old, I found one through my church, but there was a waiting list and there just seemed to be a lot of technicalities and rules involved, and that was just the introduction. So I decided to pass on that one. Others have shown up in our church bulletin and such but it always says for Mom's of School-Aged Children. Well, Molly's much younger than that.
This week the bulletin said Moms' Group for Moms of School-Aged Children Newborn through 5th grade. That was slightly confusing to me. So I went ahead and called the lady in charge today. She returned my call and said that they had some issues with the wording, but ALL MOMS are welcome. And kids are welcome too - So I won't have to find a baby-sitter! (Except on Moms' Nights Out...but that's what Daddies are for!)
I'm so excited for this! Now I just have to be sure to get Molly out of bed early enough. She likes to sleep until 9 or 10 most days, and these meetings are at 9. LOL!
This week the bulletin said Moms' Group for Moms of School-Aged Children Newborn through 5th grade. That was slightly confusing to me. So I went ahead and called the lady in charge today. She returned my call and said that they had some issues with the wording, but ALL MOMS are welcome. And kids are welcome too - So I won't have to find a baby-sitter! (Except on Moms' Nights Out...but that's what Daddies are for!)
I'm so excited for this! Now I just have to be sure to get Molly out of bed early enough. She likes to sleep until 9 or 10 most days, and these meetings are at 9. LOL!
Friday, September 5, 2008
For the Love of Hugs
I absolutely LOVE Molly's new love to hug!!! She is just full of them! Last night as I was nursing her before bed she stood up in my lap and gave me a GREAT BIG HUG!!! I love hugs in general. But the hugs of a baby are absolutely amazing!
Today she let me put her hair in piggies. She's so pretty and looks incredibly adorable with piggies! And here's what she looks like after she's done with piggies and pulls them out. We call that Crazy Hair!

We bought the first season of Big Bang Theory the other day. Last night we watched the first episode. I forgot how absolutely hilarious that show is! I can't wait to get the new episodes!
Today I've ran errands all day but a couple I'm really excited about. One - our church has decided to keep the office open late through the week starting next month, but are asking for volunteers to man it. And so I went in to offer my assistance today. I think it feels good to volunteer, so I'm excited to find out more about that. And two - I went to the scrapbook store today! Woohoo! I spent a little more than I had hoped...but I had a 1 year old with me that really wanted to be in the floor making messes, and I was trying to keep her in a cart while picking out papers. I didn't have the extra brain at the time to keep track of how much I was spending. I'm hoping that means I'll get into my scrapbooking room again soon and crank out some more pages! If not, I'm going to a weekend crop next month, so I'll be sure to get something done then!
Ok...well Molly needs some food. Have a fabulous day!
Today she let me put her hair in piggies. She's so pretty and looks incredibly adorable with piggies! And here's what she looks like after she's done with piggies and pulls them out. We call that Crazy Hair!
We bought the first season of Big Bang Theory the other day. Last night we watched the first episode. I forgot how absolutely hilarious that show is! I can't wait to get the new episodes!
Today I've ran errands all day but a couple I'm really excited about. One - our church has decided to keep the office open late through the week starting next month, but are asking for volunteers to man it. And so I went in to offer my assistance today. I think it feels good to volunteer, so I'm excited to find out more about that. And two - I went to the scrapbook store today! Woohoo! I spent a little more than I had hoped...but I had a 1 year old with me that really wanted to be in the floor making messes, and I was trying to keep her in a cart while picking out papers. I didn't have the extra brain at the time to keep track of how much I was spending. I'm hoping that means I'll get into my scrapbooking room again soon and crank out some more pages! If not, I'm going to a weekend crop next month, so I'll be sure to get something done then!
Ok...well Molly needs some food. Have a fabulous day!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My First Blog on Blogger
Today shall be a homey day. I don't really feel like going anywhere. I've been doing laundry and taking care of Molly, so far. She's napping right now, and it was a much needed break for me. She's been slightly clingy and needy today.
My parents moved to town on Monday. We went over to help move them in. We were not wanting to work hard at all. But I'm glad we went, because, frankly, I don't think the guys could have got the piano into the house without Richard's help.
Yesterday, Molly and I went over to show them around their side of town a little bit. We took them to Walmart and some computer stores because they needed a new computer. They bought one, and in the next few days I'll be going back over there to assemble it and get it up and running for them. Definitely a benefit to them living here: they've always seemed to have computer issues, and it will just be so much easier to run over there and fix it, than to try and figure out what's going on over the phone and explain what to do to fix it. It never worked.
Richard's working a little later right now to make sure and have things done by the deadline. That's not much fun for me. But we always deal with it. And it's ok.
Welp...Molly just woke up. I'm off to make her feel ok again.
My parents moved to town on Monday. We went over to help move them in. We were not wanting to work hard at all. But I'm glad we went, because, frankly, I don't think the guys could have got the piano into the house without Richard's help.
Yesterday, Molly and I went over to show them around their side of town a little bit. We took them to Walmart and some computer stores because they needed a new computer. They bought one, and in the next few days I'll be going back over there to assemble it and get it up and running for them. Definitely a benefit to them living here: they've always seemed to have computer issues, and it will just be so much easier to run over there and fix it, than to try and figure out what's going on over the phone and explain what to do to fix it. It never worked.
Richard's working a little later right now to make sure and have things done by the deadline. That's not much fun for me. But we always deal with it. And it's ok.
Welp...Molly just woke up. I'm off to make her feel ok again.
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