Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy anniversary to my hubby!

So today is the anniversary of our wedding!!! How exciting! Three years of wonderful married life to the most incredible man I know. :) We'll see if he'll be up to popping in the good ol' wedding video this year. LOL. I know - I shouldn't torture the man on his anniversary.

So now where are we? Well...we've come a long way. It all started at Walmart in Hays with two very insecure college kids - not quite sure where life was going to lead. Richard was living in a tiny basement apartment. I lived in the dorms at Fort Hays State. Richard had finished his last semester of graduate classes, and I was starting my 2nd semester of undergrad classes.

Now lots have changed.

Now we both seem to realize our "purpose" in God's big plan. We both feel pretty secure in who we are (and it's not a bad thing at all that we don't define ourselves without adding in the other - that's who we are, we were married as one) and what we love. Richard, a very good CPA, has really come to enjoy his work. And enjoys his time off to spend with family even more. And myself, a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, who gets to for the most part, however I am working a few days a week at the real estate office as a receptionist just for the heck of it. We have the most precious little girl in the world, who brightens our lives a little more each day. She's such a blessing. We own our own home - and "home" is truly what we've made it. We can tell that's true just by the way Molly smiles when we've been out of town a few days and then come back home. She really loves to be here. :) We are blessed in so many ways. We have a wonderful marriage, full of most everything a good marriage should have, and we grow more in love every day. I realize that's not common in this world, and I cherish it immensely. Don't get me wrong - a wonderful relationship didn't just fall into our laps - we have to work hard at it every day. But as long as we continue doing what we do, I don't see it disappearing.

The upcoming year will bring many more blessings, I'm sure. We have lots of plans ranging from house improvements to working on another baby. It should be a very rewarding year.

Happy Anniversary Richard - my angel.

Now off to find that video, and start prepping for my persuasive speech. ;)

1 comment:

Lindsey J said...

Happy Anniversary to Krissy & Prince Charming ;)